Today was the twelfth day that some brave protesters hung out on Liberty Plaza in New York, near Wall Street to protest against the greed that prevails on Wall Street and the undue influence that big corporations have on government and society at large, not only in the USA but also worldwide. I will write a more extensive commentary in the next few days but needless to say that I am very, very sympathetic to the cause of these protesters. I hope that this movement will grow and develop into a worldwide campaign and finally change things that have been laid bare so evidently with the financial crisis in 2008 but not been tackled appropriately by politicians.
More information on www.occupywallst.org
These are some of the faces of the protesters. As I said more to come... this could turn into a long term photo project...
I had a fantastic opening night of my exhibition „Zwischenräume“ at the Haus am Dom, Frankfurt/Germany last week. I am very grateful to Caritas to make this happen. The exhibition will be on until 20 October and the images also be accessed on my website.
Photographs of the opening night courtesy of Christine Hartmann-Vogel.