Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It is not a monocausal world...

When we look at problems, we often assume that the problem in question has one cause, i.e. is essentially ,monocausal‘ in nature and therefore has one solution to it. We assume that from a range of causes to have brought about the problem, it has to be one of them - and just one of them. Sometimes the more enlightened or experienced among us concede that there might be a cause that they have not looked at yet or that they don‘t know of - chiefly for lack of expertise or specialist knowledge - but - more often than not - the assumption still persists that there has to be ONE cause to the problem and thus this reasoning often leads to the conclusion: one solution to solve the problem.

And even if in more erudite and theoretical discussions, a range of causes are cited, in practical life, my recent experience suggests that we are not very good at dealing with problems that are caused by a variety of factors or sources persisting at the same time... and therefore we often overlook solutions to the problem that might be more elegant and beneficial to us...

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